- Received the British Endeavor Award, the highest award ever given to a wheelchair athlete in 2003.
- Is a 7 times gold metal winner in World Trial Finals
- Was featured on RAD TV in Europe in 2004.
- Appeared on Inside Home Health with Peggie Fleming in 2005.
- Is the 1st wheelchair athlete in TransWorld Skate Magazine, 2005.
- Appeared in Sport-N-Spokes Magazine over 10 times between 2001 to present.
- Appeared in PN magazine 2 times.
- Holds a silver metal from the 2002 C.A.F Triathlon.
- Participated in the National Veterans Wheelchair Games holding 8 gold, 1 silver, and 2 bronze metals.
- Participated in the XNFL Superbowl in Las Vegas. 1st place in 2003 and 4th in 2004.
- Was in the top finals in the Royal Easter Show in Australia in 2005.
- Participitated Summer X-Games in Los Angelas California in 2007
- Appeared in numerous news articles, both in and out of country.